Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year Brings New Promises

I stopped making New Year's resolutions some time ago. Mainly because I constantly disappoint myself by falling short of those lofty goals, and end up feeling like a failure. But the New Year is a time for reflecting on the past and setting a direction for the future.

I've replaced resolutions with promises. I'm good at keeping promises.

I promise myself the following:

* I will finish at least two of my works in progress before starting anything else new.

* I will read some of those technique books gathering dust on my shelf.

* I will spend more time in marketing and promotion of my work.

* I will create more balance in my life, and become more disciplined in my writing.

* I will find ways to be more generous with other writers.

And I promise I won't flog myself when I fall short of my own expectations. I'll just try harder next time.

What are your goals, resolutions or promises as a writer for the coming year?



Char Paul said...

what a beautiful bud to hint of the treasure, richness, and velvet touches 2009 is yet to bring.

i'll be taking a leaf from your list~

Infogypsy said...

Your blog is looking very professional - I like it - and good suggestions. I'll adopt some of t hose myself - maybe all of them - I think the key is giving up flogging of ourselves, no matter what our promises - if we don't make big goals, there's no game to play in life. only predictability - go Linda!
Lynn romaine

Carol said...

I intend to take my time enjoying the scent of roses in my scenes. To relax and give the characters full reign and the means, I promise to stand at their side, spur them to action and offer unconditional love. Carol

Coming soon: A Structured Affair

Strong, smart, sensuous heroines; heroes to die for.
Carol McPhee: