Saturday, March 14, 2015

Candace Hudson - Wake-Up Call

As I continue to introduce the heroines of my novels in a celebration of National Women's History Month: Women Weaving Stories of Women's Lives, let me introduce you to Candace Hudson from Wake-Up Call. Candace and I have one thing in common--we're both social workers.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit to my behavior at that conference in New York. I'm generally a level-headed and responsible person. While it's not an excuse, I can say things have been difficult lately, what with my mother's passing and then being made a complete fool of by my fiance, Randall Spiker. Then this cowboy appears at my door--Griff Calhoun--all six feet, boots and cowboy hat.

I have to say that I managed to check almost every item off my 'do not do this' list in the weeks after I met Griff. What can I say? The heart wants what the heart wants? (I'm not a fan of cliches, but in this case, it's true.) When I answered the phone in my hotel room that morning thinking I was politely responding to what I later realized would have been an automated wake-up call, I couldn't imagine I would get exactly the Wake-Up Call I needed. (And so did Griff!)

WAKE-UP CALL is available in ebook and trade paperback at

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